New orleans voodoo tarot deck pdf descargable
Buy a New Orleans Voodoo Deck for your own psychic divination with oracle or tarot cards. Free Shipping on orders over $50. "The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot is arguably the first truly American tarot as it is a natural extension of the New World spirituality it illustrates. Glassman's art brilliantly evokes the colorful and vibrant energy of the Voodoo tradition, and Glassman's and Martinie's companion text is clear and straightforward.", Hymenaeus Beta X, Frater Superior, O.T.O. New Age Retailer "New Orleans Voodoo Tarot is a stunning achievement. Both a graphic tour de force and a fascinating insight into the mysterious, yet compelling, mythos that is called Voodoo." L. Simon Jennings, Alternatives " The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot is arguably the first truly American tarot as it is a natural extension of the New World spirituality it illustrates.
Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot (book and tarot card set): 288 page book with 173 b&w illustrations and 79 colour cards (Destiny Books) at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. 14/02/2019 Voodoo, Santeria, Hoodoo -- Click on Cover The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot draws its inspiration from Voodoo practices and understandings as they have developed in New Orleans. Louis Martinie and artist Sallie Ann Glassman created this deck as "an act of service to the loa" or spirits that are the focus of Voodoo beliefs.
New Orleans Voodoo Tarot Este es uno de los Tarot especializados , ya que se debe conocer también el contexto al que pertenece. En este caso nos referimos al culto del vudú, practicado principalmente en Haiti y algunas partes del sur de EU.
New Orleans Voodoo tarot readings,psychic readings, divination and spiritual consultations. The client will have his/her choice of Tarot deck: Visconti, Minchiate, Secret Language of Birds, Medicine Woman, Herbal or Steampunk Tarots. TAROT READING IN PERSON Investment $151 - At the Madre de Agua Temple in Lacombe, LA only.
More About These Cards Name: New Orleans Voodoo Tarot Creators: Louis Martinez Publisher: Harper San Francisco 1992 Deck Type: Tarot Deck Cards: 78 Major Arcana: 22 Minor Arcana: 56 Deck Tradition: Mixed Suits: Congo, Santeria, Rada, Petro Court Cards: Houngan/Santero, Mambo/Santera, La Place/Oriate, Hounsis/Yaguo The Fool is 0 Strength is 11 Justice is 8 Card Size: 2.76 x 4.33 in. = 7.00cm x The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot book. Read 10 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. The first tarot to celebrate an African-American culture, this book and 79-card deck capture both the spirit and the imagery of Voodoo's African, West Indian, and Catholic influences. Studying the New Orleans Voodoo Tarot. New Orleans Voodoo Tarot - Wild Card--Les Barons [no RWS equivalent] New Orleans Voodoo Tarot predstavlja učenja iz zapadnoafričke izvedene verske tradicije, naime New Orleans Voodoo tarot špil se razlikuje donekle od Haićanskog i zapadnoafričkih Vodoo učenja i Santeria(je). The New Orleans Voodoo tarot and bookset by Louis Martinie and Sallie Ann Glassman incorporates the African, This set includes a 288 page book filled with black and white illustrations, and a full color 79 card tarot deck. Category. Books and Tarot. Search Products
The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot draws its inspiration from Voodoo practices and understandings as they have developed in New Orleans. Louis Martinie and artist Sallie Ann Glassman created this deck as "an act of service to the loa" or spirits that are the focus of Voodoo beliefs. The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot book and 79-card deck capture both the spirit and the imagery of Voodoo's African, West Indian, and Catholic influences. Ancient and earth-honoring, Voodoo's practices take on different forms specific to time and place, but its essence remains focused on the loa --the potent spiritual forces of Voodoo that are manifested directly through human beings and their actions. 24/10/2015 "The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot is arguably the first truly American tarot as it is a natural extension of the New World spirituality it illustrates. Glassman's art brilliantly evokes the colorful and vibrant energy of the Voodoo tradition, and Glassman's and Martinie's companion text is clear and straightforward."